
Laboratoire de mathématiques de Besançon (LmB)
Université Marie & Louis Pasteur (UMLP)

Prof. Célestin C. KOKONENDJI

Full Professor in Applied Mathematics (Statistics & Probability) since 2009 ; "National : Membre du Conseil National des Universités (CNU 26) élu A [2015--2019] et élu B [2004--2007] pour Transparence et Equité ; LmB : Responsable Equipe Probabilités et Statistique [2009--2014], Correspondant Communication [2009--2018], Membre du Conseil [2012--2015] ; UFR ST - Département maths : Responsable Master Modélisation Statistique (M2S) [2011--2014], Responsable Pédagogique 2e Année M2S [2011--2013] ; IUT des Pays de l'Adour - STID de Pau : Chef de Département (élu) [1998--2001], Directeur des études 2e Année [1997--1998], Responsable Communication [2000--2001], Administrateur (élu) [2001--2002] ; etc."

Also, Associate Professor at the Universty of Bangui (CAR) since 2022 ; “Laboratoire de mathématiques et connexes de Bangui (LmcB), Faculté des Sciences, Département de Mathématiques & Informatique LmcB/LIS, B.P. 908, Avenue des Martyrs, Bangui.”

See here for the Next / Last Meetings.


🕮 Associated Kernel Method; Nonparametric Statistics
🕮 Dispersion Models & Indexes
🕮 Mathematical Statistics
🕮 Nonnegative Orthant Models; Bayesian Analysis; Biostatistics
🕮 Probability; Time Series; etc.


    🎓 High Degree of Research (HDR), 2004
    Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
    🎓 PhD Thesis, 1993
    Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier
    🎓 Licence, Master, 1986-1990
    Universités de Bangui & de Toulouse III

Research, Editorial Positions [8], PhD Students [20], Maths & Coffee, Useful Links, etc.

Various Research Interests:

Editorial Positions [8]:

PhD Students [20]:

Maths & Coffee: More Recent Talks - Some Visitors - Main Visits

ORCID iD Pr. CCK: 0000-0001-8949-9634

Useful Links: Journal Rankings for ARC (Statistics); SCImago J. Rank (SJR) Statist. Probab.; Probab. Statist. Journals; Resources: MathWorld - St@tNet - BibM@th - MathSciNet - zbMATH - Mathematics Genealogy Project (My Grandfather) - Google Scholar - ResearchGate - Images.Math.CNRS - arXiv (Statistics) - HAL (LmB); Math Jokes; Qwant; Pr. JBHU; Write Mathematics; Mathematics Subject Classification: MSC 2020; JEL Classification.

... since 2025.01.01: uFC to UMLP.

Publications [116]

Recent Publications (since 2023)


Teaching, Service to the Profession, Previous Positions, etc.

Teaching Topics since 2009: Mathematical Methodology (L1); Mathematics 1 (L1); Analysis (L1); Mathematical Tools 1 & 2 (L1); Mathematical Tools 2 for Engineering Sciences (L1) ; Integers, Polynomials and Linear Algebra (L2); Elementary Probability (L2); Analytical Geometry (L2); Reduction of Endomorphisms (L2); Applied Analysis (L2); Linear Models (M1); Data Analysis (M1); Operation Research (M1); Panorama of Research in Mathematics (M1); Statistical Quality Control (M1, M2); Reliability (M2); Nonparametric Estimations and Associated-Kernel Method (M2); Bayesian Analysis and Applications (M2); Introduction to the Financial Modelling and Methodology in Research/Project (M2).

Organizer of International Conferences, e.g., for: The 3rd LmB Conference on Multivariate Statistical Models: Count and Semi-Continuous— Besançon (France): 06-08 July 2022, supported by ProFeMath; Session Invitée “S5: Séries temporelles à valeurs entières” aux Journées MAS 2018 de la SMAI, 29 - 31 Août 2018, Dijon; The LmB Conferences on “Multivariate Count Analysis” 04- 06 July 2018, Besançon; Invited Paper Session on “Uni->Multivariate Count Dispersion and Applications” to the 61st World Statistics Congress (ISI 2017), 16 - 21 July 2017, Marrakech; Invited Session on “New Advances in Underdispersed Count Data Analysis” to the XXVIII International Biometric Conference (IBC 2016), 10 - 15 July 2016, Victoria, British Columbia; Mini-course on “Integer-Valued Time Series” by C.H. Weiss & H. Joe - The LmB Trimester, 30 June 2014, Besançon; Workshop on “Count Data Modelling and Analysis” - The LmB Trimester, 01 - 04 July 2014, Besançon; etc.

Member of Scientific Program Commitees, e.g., for: International Conference on the Promotion of Applied Statistics (CIPSA'2024) for decision-making and development in Africa, 02 - 06 December 2024, Yaoundé; The ISSAT International Conference on “Data Science in Business, Finance and Industry” (DSBFI 2019) Dong A University, 03-05 July 2019 & (DSBFI 2020) Dong A University, POSTPONED to 05-07 July 2021, Da Nang (Vietnam); The 2nd International Conference on Applied Sciences Mathematics and Informatics (ICASMI 2018 Advisor Board) University of Lampung 09 - 11 August 2018, Horison Hotel Bandar Lampung Indonesia; 61st ISI World Statistics Congress (ISI 2017) International Statistical Institute, 16 - 21 July 2017, Marrakech; International Conference on Engineering, Applied Sciences and System Modeling (ICEASSM’2017)) April 18 - 21, 2017 Accra; International Conference Applied Statistics for Development in Africa (SADA 2016), 28 Nov - 03 Dec 2016, Cotonou; 3rd International Conference on Bayesian Networks and Applications (ICBNA 2016), 14 - 16 October 2016, Sousse - Tunisia; etc.

Expert (National and International), e.g., for: HCERES (Laboratory evaluation); CIFRE (evaluation of industrial research projects); CNU 26 (evaluation of researchers); International evaluation of researchers; International evaluation of research projects; Examiner, President or/and Member of jury for PhD thesis and HDR for around sixty students; etc.

I have refereed books (e.g., for Chapman & Hall/CRC, Springer) and papers for a hundred different journals such that: Advances in Applied Mathematics, Bernoulli, Canadian Journal of Statistics, Communications in Statistics, Communications on Stochastic Analysis, Computational Statistics, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Econometrics, Environmetrics, ESAIM Probability & Statistics, Statistical Papers, Journal Afrika Statistika, Journal of Applied Statistics, Journal of Computational Biology, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Journal of Time Series Analysis, Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Mathematical Methods of Statistics, Metrika, Metron, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, SORT-Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, Statistics and Probability Letters, TEST, etc.

Previous Positions:

Member of Scientific Societies:


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